Wednesday, November 27, 2013

NaNoWriMo Progress Report - Week Three

Week three, I mastered the art of procrastination.

I did everything in my power to avoid my MC story because he I was talking me myself into a circle.  Rather than combat him the issue - because I hate confrontation, don't ya know - I ignored everything that had anything to do with writing.

I was extra diligent in my cleaning, I gave my dog the extra cuddles he wanted, took a nap or two or four, watched some extra shows, and even recorded some things I probably never would have watched if I hadn't recorded them.  And yes, I took to Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, Pinterest, and even Ebay to get away from writing my NaNoWriMo Novel.

And now how do I feel?  Panicked!  Because at the end of week three, I was 5k words behind goal and am extremely busy week ahead.

Let's hope that the final week, sees me through to getting to that 50k mark!

I apologize for keeping this short and sweet, but, well, I should be writing a novel!


Happy Thanksgiving to all of you that are celebrating on the 28th! Eat lots of good food and then diet on Monday to get ready for the next big holiday!