Monday, January 27, 2014

Last Year Was a Start. Now...

When I wasn't working on or around the house, and when I wasn't selling on Ebay or planning and participating in parties, I was reading and writing - my two favorite pastimes.  As you may well know, I loved reading as a kid.  Writing came a little later, but I really got into that as well.

I found some old poems that I'd worked on when I was younger, some short stories with illustrations, and even a book I'd begun.  It's funny to look back at what I did then with new eyes, more educated eyes, and see things that I could have done better.  Thinking about it though, I wouldn't want to touch it. Why?  Because that world was seen through younger, more innocent eyes and it's interesting to see how much I've grown.  Granted, I'm what I considered ancient at that age, but if there had been zero growth, that would be a very scary thing.


I did do a lot of reading through the months in 2013, though it wasn't as much as I'd wanted.  People will call me crazy for saying that, because I actually read thirty-six books from cover to cover.  I also began four books and then set them aside - they may or may not be picked up again.  Three books a month is a good average to be sure, especially considering how life did tend to interrupt my chance at adventure through the written word.  I just wish that I'd been able to read more.

I hate finishing a book that I've immersed myself in so much so that I can visualize every detail.  Those stories are both good and bad for me.  When it's so good that I've lost track of the pages and then it ends, I feel a bit bereft.  Like I've lost a friend to talk to. 

When it's a series, I immediately move on to the next book, praying that I am not let down by the author's next decision. At times, I find that it isn't a complete series and I must wait in agony with other lovers of the series.  We agonize and want to question the author every single day.  Some do.  It's annoying; don't do it.

Then, there's the disappointments - the books that I saw countless others cheer about and praise.  You know who you are, and millions of you know exactly what I am talking about.  The book series which shall not be named, at least not by me or those that adore me.  Those people who don't know any better who cheered and praised said that they'd never read anything so good. Really?

I kept reading because I thought that I must have been missing something, but by the time it ended, I was lost as to why I even bothered to continue. I sat back in my chair and wondered what kind of reading these people could have possibly done in the past that this was the best thing they'd ever read.  Honestly, did they live in a place that had no library?

On a happier note, I did get to read draft after draft of a friend's new book series, gave my two cents worth, and prayed that she didn't dislike what I had to say.  She wrote it, allowed me to read through it and comment, and then - being the brave soul that she is - sent it out to a publisher. I am happy to say that she is going to be a published author early on in 2014 and I can not wait!  I will be telling everyone about her story, so stay tuned.

Now if only I could be that brave.


I wrote quite a bit in 2013.  I started working on my own series in June and got about eight chapters into the first book - with snippets of information for books two and three - when it all went quiet.

I was not at all happy with that turn of events until I heard a few new voices and decided to take notes. Those notes turned into structured sentences which then turned into chapters for a new book.  Thirty-two days later, I had twenty-three chapters and the beginnings for two other books.  Of course, if you've read the blog, you already know about the book.  How it's turning into a series, I haven't the foggiest except to say that the characters are speaking to me.  I enjoy them immensely!

What you don't know is that I began writing another book at that exact same time.  It was much darker and led down a road that I'm not too sure I want to go down.  It began to drain me emotionally, and I didn't know that I was ready for that yet, so it too went on a back burner. 

If you recall, November was National Novel Writing Month and I achieved the goal of 50,000 words to begin a new book.  Yes, that's right, begin.  It has its bones, but it needs to be revisited, cleaned up, and added to.  Those words didn't come easily, so I'm going to give it some breathing room and touch it again later in 2014.

Moving on to 2014

What I need to do, is revisit the book that I wrote in August and finalize it.  I need to write its synopsis, write a query letter, and get it out to indie publishers and see who bites.  Hopefully, someone bites.  The reason I am going for the small publishing houses is because I don't know that I want to worry about trying to find a literary agent to shop my book for me.  If this venture goes well, I may consider one in the future, but for now, I'm going to sit and bite my nails down to the nubs  wait patiently to see if someone wants to take on my characters.

I woke up one morning a couple of weeks ago and went about my normal routine when I got the sudden urge to sit down and begin writing.  Before I knew it, I had a brief rundown of a story, the preamble, and a few paragraphs in my main character's voice. 

This year is going to be a good year for writing.  I have plots down "on paper" and waiting for me to let the rest of the words flow.  I can't wait to see what happens to these new characters once their given life.

I hope that your year is a productive one in that you produce much joy and happiness in your own life. 

Read more to adventure more!  It's the ultimate staycation!